Tuesday, September 15, 2020

God's Kindness Knows No Limit

Acts 3:6 NIV
Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."

// God's kindness knows no limit, His mercy is abundant and overflowing, sometimes we feel that we don't have the strength to stand, to continue life, we're losing hope. Just like the lame person who was sitting and begging for years, he might not see the possibilities and the things he can do, but God came to the rescue. He received the strength he needs in able for him to stand.

// Sometimes we asked for the wrong things, God has another in mind -- something that is important and something that is more beneficial for us. The lame person seems to be contented on his situation (begging), he (was) used to it, but God wanted us to experience more than that. He wants us to be a better person with capabilities to help others. Let us continue to seek His guidance and ask for His heart be the same as ours.

// Let us ask God to pick us up in those times of our lives when trials are unbearable and give us the power to make it through (the rain?) those trials. Ask Him also that through us, those who are struggling, weary and with heavy hearts will see how Good our God is through our lives, through our testimony, actions and deeds.

PRAYER: Thank you God for giving me the same importance like the lame person, the blind who you give sight.  The same power you gave for me to stand and face all the trials I might face, thank you for you are my refuge. A hand that is always ready to pick me up and tap my shoulder to comfort me.

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